Carlos Cesar Ochoa Gaxiola MD
Board-certified Cardiothoracic Surgeon Specializing in Thoracic Surgery
CMN Hospital
Certified by the National Counsel of Thoracic Surgery and is a member of various specialty organizations, including the Latin American Association of Thoracics and the Sociedad Mexicana de Neumologico y Cirugia de Torax.
Dr. Ochoa graduated from medical school at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California and completed his general surgery residency at the Hospital General del Estado in Hermosillo, Sonora. He then pursued a thoracic surgery fellowship at the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias.
With a strong commitment to caring for the poor and underserved residents of Mexicali, Dr. Ochoa finds great pride and satisfaction in providing high-quality care at CMN Hospital Alternative Cancer Treatment Center. He approaches patient care with empathy and compassion, aiming to improve their lives through a combination of advanced medical knowledge and genuine care.
To learn more about Dr. Ochoa please feel free to contact CMN Hospital 1-844-371-1117