Three types of ozone therapy AT CMN Hospital
MAHT (Blood Ozone)
Rectal Insufflation
Oxygen is the fundamental building block of our respiratory system, and crucial for survival. Receiving enough oxygen is even more imperative for those who are battling cancer, because “the lack of health that exists in every single cancer condition, without exception (no matter the location or stage of the cancer), has to do with impaired, oxygen-less respiration of the body’s cells.”[1] This means that cancer deprives healthy cells of oxygen, thus limiting their functional capabilities and overall ability to assist the body in normative operations.
Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg discovered how cancer limits the ability for cells to work naturally and to their full capabilities in the late 1920s and early 1930s, and he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for it in 1931.[2]
As such, it is important that oxygen- related therapies are integrated into the overall treatment plan of cancer warriors. This can be done through a process known as ozone blood therapy.
The Science Behind Ozone Blood Therapy
How can ozone therapy benefit cancer treatment? “It's so simple it befuddles the great minds. Unlike human cells that love oxygen, the disease- causing viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites – including the HIV and cancer virus, cancer cells,”[3] do not. In fact, cancer cells “cannot live in high oxygen concentrations.” Ozone blood therapy works because it surrounds these bad cancer cells “with a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a long time,” placing them in an environment that which they cannot thrive, or even survive.
Ozone blood therapy is based off of ozone, a gas. When a third atom of oxygen, or O2 binds, the chemical becomes O3, ozone. “When this happens, oxygen’s traditional properties become more powerful and more energized… Ozone’s most amazing property is that it is an extremely powerful oxidant. It will break down any chemical into that chemical’s basic component parts.” Simply put, a regular oxygen molecule has two molecules of oxygen, but ozone instead has three.
Ozone has major properties that benefit the body:
Suppresses infections by killing viruses, bacteria and yeast, especially those hard-to-treat, resistant pathogens that can be found in chronic conditions, such as Lyme disease;
Improves circulation by enhancing the flow of your blood;
Works as an immune modulator, meaning that is helps to keep your immune system in top working order;
Increases the uptake of oxygen by stimulating the enzyme DPG (diphosphoglycerate), which helps the cells get all the oxygen they need to function properly. This aids in killing resistant, anaerobic infections and provides the cells in the area with the extra oxygen needed to heal.
Stimulates your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells, increasing the cells’ energy so that your body stays healthy; and
Enhances your body’s ability to increase its antioxidant capabilities and protection.
These properties are frequently synthesized into a treatment, known as ozone blood therapy, that helps stimulate and intensify healing in cancer patients.
Ozone is an enemy to cancer. Specifically,
It treats the cause of cancer.
It maximizes the patient’s vitality and immunity.
It controls cancer cell growth.
When ozone is directed to the diseased area, cancer cells are forced to go into apoptosis, and so they die off.
Rectal Ozone Insufflation: A Potent Therapy for Cancer Treatment
Rectal ozone insufflation, an impactful form of ozone therapy, markedly enhances immunity with a systemic effect ranging from 95% to 98%. This method specifically targets cancer cells, encouraging apoptosis and thereby improving patient outcomes. As a premier approach in ozone treatment, rectal insufflation is pivotal in the management of cancer. It stands out as one of the most effective treatments within ozone therapy, designed to rejuvenate and regulate immunity. Its ability to significantly impact cancer cells, diminishing their viability and promoting apoptosis, offers substantial support in the healing process, leading to notable improvements for cancer patients.
Introduction to Rectal Ozone Insufflation at CMN Hospital
At CMN Hospital, our Alternative Cancer Treatment (ACT) program includes the powerful use of rectal ozone insufflation. This therapy leverages the unique properties of ozone gas to restore and modulate immunity, producing a systemic effect that can positively impact the entire body. By increasing oxygen levels in the body, this therapy aims to enhance immune function and stimulate natural healing processes.
How Rectal Ozone Insufflation Works
When medical ozone gas enters the colon, it is immediately absorbed through the walls of the colon. This rapid absorption is due to the extensive network of blood vessels in the colon, which allows ozone to quickly enter the bloodstream and exert systemic effects. The therapy has both local and systemic benefits:
Local Effect: The colon's local environment benefits as ozone helps condition and cleanse the colon, restoring and balancing the flora and mucosal immunity along the colon wall.
Systemic Effect: Once absorbed into the bloodstream, ozone activates blood circulation and the immune system. It also increases the efficiency of eliminating toxins and neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby protecting you from oxidative stress.
Scientific Explanation
Efficient Absorption: The colon’s rich vascular network facilitates the efficient absorption of ozone, allowing it to quickly enter the bloodstream and provide systemic benefits.
Immune Modulation: Ozone insufflation enhances immune system function by increasing white blood cell production and stimulating the release of cytokines, which help regulate immune responses.
Detoxification: Ozone therapy aids in detoxifying the body by breaking down toxins and facilitating their elimination through the excretory system.
Cancer Cell Apoptosis: Ozone therapy induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, thereby reducing tumor size and potentially aiding in the healing process.
Oxidative Stress Reduction: Ozone neutralizes free radicals, protecting cells from oxidative damage and improving overall cellular function.
Non-Invasive Nature of Rectal Ozone Insufflation
Rectal ozone insufflation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a tiny, flexible tube, approximately the diameter of a pencil, to introduce ozone gas into the colon. This small tube ensures the procedure is comfortable and non-intrusive, making it an easy and painless method for patients to receive the therapeutic benefits of ozone therapy.
Safety of Rectal Ozone O3 Treatments
A controlled study in Germany treated 716 patients with 46,984 ozone insufflations with no system or product-related incidents or adverse reactions. Only a few minor transient irritations, such as flatulence, were observed in patients with severe IBS. Based on the study's results and evidence, rectal ozone insufflation is listed within the clinical range of evidence-based medicine (Oxygen Prescription).
Understanding Ozone
For those who have forgotten their high school biology class—ozone (O3) is a gas molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, instead of the two found in regular oxygen. It is a highly reactive gas that, upon contact with pathogens, renders them inactive. Due to this quality, in 1896, Nikola Tesla started the Tesla Ozone Company to manufacture ozone generators that would pump the gas into indoor air, believing that ozone would purify the air.
Rectal ozone insufflation emerges as a promising supplement to conventional cancer therapies. Its capacity to boost oxygenation, activate the immune response, and aid in detoxification positions it as a significant addition to the treatment arsenal at CMN Hospital. Additionally, the ability of ozone therapy to trigger apoptosis in cancer cells and diminish tumors underscores its importance in the healing journey. If you're keen to explore how rectal ozone insufflation could be tailored to your treatment plan, please reach out to CMN Hospital. Our committed team stands ready to guide and support you at every turn. 1(844)371-1117